Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Spread the Word - Check out

It is funny what you can learn when you network OUTSIDE your own backyard. My interaction with Nancy Juetten, of Main Street Media Savvy has produced amazing opportunities and truly helpful information.

Following up with Nancy after our conversations in Dallas, TX produced the following engagements along with gaining her insight on how to get the word out about events, workshops, and seminars using

As a result of our connection, Nancy will be speaking in Portland for the Women Entrepreneurs of Oregon on September 9th on the "7 Deadly Sins of DIY Publicity" and then I am sponsoring her popular Publici-Tea(tm) program on September 10th. If you are local you don't want to miss this opportunity.

I quickly saw the value in distributing my event information through and did so for our upcoming "Change What Matters - What is Important Now" series. I love that it is a one-stop location to touch the media contacts in your area but also hits the online calendars as well. To quote Nancy
"This online meeting notice service makes it easy for you to alert the online and print media in your backyard with one click. You just create 2000, 750, and 150 character descriptions of your event, pay your $19.95 for each event date, and let do the rest. "

So? Are you in need of getting the word out about you or your events? Check out Nancy's blog, sign up for her newsletter and save the date to attend one or both of our local events!

Spread the is a good thing!