Monday, January 5, 2009

What's In and What's Out in 2009 - Forecasts from the trenches

That Nancy Juetten with Main Street Media Savvy is always thinking about information that would be valuable to her readers. She invited me to contribute to her forecast of what is going to be "in" for 2009 wanted to share her list with you. If you have some predictions of your own, PLEASE share!

Here is my take on what is out and what is in for 2009

  • Trail and error - Proven processes and systems
  • Multi tasking - Strengths and focus
  • Re-creating the wheel - Duplicating what works
  • Going it alone - Working with mentors or a mastermind group
  • Pride/arrogance - Humility

Trend prediction contributor experts:

Lori Richardson, Score More Sales
Whitney Keyes, Marketing, Social Networking & PR
Betsy Talbot, Mentor & Trainer

Complete list here. Thanks Nancy for putting this together!

I look forward to your contributions. Happy Networking