Monday, January 12, 2009

Visioning energizes actions, attitudes and opportunities

I had the opportunity to work with a group of dynamic women this weekend, facilitating their journey to update their vision for 2009. WOW! Every year I am surprised by the power of this simple ritual.

(Tia Ribary, Kate Thornton, Sherrie Harries, Kathie Nelson, Carol Gunn)

I was introduced to Visioning or Treasure Mapping, as some call it, in the mid '90's in my last career. I began to see the value of this tool when I started my own business in 2002.

Barbara MacKay, NorthStar Facilitators

What is a treasure map? John Kalench, founder of Millionaires in Motion, defines it as "a collage of pictures that stimulates your visualization process. It's made up of pictures of what you want to have, do and be! A gallery of carefully chosen pictures that represent to you chosen outcomes you want to create in your life. It contains pictures specifically of those outcomes and others that strongly suggest the feeling or essence you want as well. It can be any size."

Check out some of the Treasure Maps we created! Watch for more as our participants submit their final products.

Ana Matiella, ACMA Social Marketing

Here is mine...not quite finished but has some of the key components! I am stepping OUT!

Want to create your own treasure map? Email us for our "how-to" workbook. The workbook includes a bonus that connects your annual goals to your vision to create quarterly initiatives to move your vision forward!
I believe outrageous success is possible for you in 2009....regardless of the economy! The trick is in how quickly you adapt, dig in to your niche and serve your core market.
To your success! Kathie

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fresh Start & New Beginnings 2009

What IS possible in the upcoming months? This is the BIG question on many minds. I know you've been thinking about what you will do differently in 2009. If you are anything like me, you have been acting on some of those thoughts. I've been thinking what IS possible in the new year...not only for Connectworks but my clients as well.

I thought I'd share my focus with you for the new year.

  1. I want to get on top of the social networking phenomenon. This medium is advancing so quickly staying on top of how to use it can be impossible for busy people like you and I. Here are a couple of things I am doing to save time and increase effectiveness. Depending on your business, you may want to do the same.
    a.) Use a blog aggregator. I finally started using the Google Reader a few weeks ago and have been thrilled to get all my favorite blogs coming into one place for quick review. I'd been hearing about this service for a few years but had no idea how to get started. I decided to figure it out. Go to Google. Create an account if you don't already have one. It's fre*e. Pull down the menu and select Reader. It is fairly self directed from there. This is a great way to keep up with what's new without having to take the time to cruise the web. Visit my blog for some other great resources.
    b.) Find one or two social networking sites you feel like you can participate in. If you've been waiting to dip your toe in this medium, get started with LinkedIn. Develop your profile and network. Use the Q & A. Submit articles. Schedule time each day (and stick to it) to browse those sites and build relationships. Networking on line is still about the relationship but has the added benefit of increasing your visibility on the web.
    I want to do what works. Like you, I find the time for trial and error is past.
  2. I joined a new marketing mastermind team last month with Bernadette Doyle of Client Magnets. In her monthly call last week I was reminded of some key principles in creating change. Read the core principles in my blog.
    a.) Over the holiday I've invested in sales training, workshop & teleseminar development and internet marketing. Looking ahead these are areas of mastery that will serve me in 2009. What about you? What would serve you to master or work with a mentor the upcoming months?
  3. I want work to be easier. When what I do loses its appeal it boils down to one thing. Inefficient systems have created a backlog of task that are not my favorites but have to be done. You know what I'm talking about. I've already started investing in infrastructure and support to create systems to keep in touch, better serve, and deliver more value to clients in 2009. Any systems of your own you need to tune up?
  4. I want to serve others better. This is what gets me out of bed every day. I intend to make choices in 2009 which allow me to do more and with greater impact. What about you? Do you know what motivates you? Are you in a market niche that allows you do tap into that energy? If not, look for opportunities to engage that vital part of your inner driver.

Close the door on 2008 and look ahead to the unknown 2009 and understand...the basic principles of business still apply. Stop doing things that don't get you results and take you out of your core strength areas. Your unique selling proposition will always be in what you do well because you are you. Open the doors to what is possible in 2009 by bringing your best self forward.

Here is to more YOU in 2009!

Happy Networking.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What's In and What's Out in 2009 - Forecasts from the trenches

That Nancy Juetten with Main Street Media Savvy is always thinking about information that would be valuable to her readers. She invited me to contribute to her forecast of what is going to be "in" for 2009 wanted to share her list with you. If you have some predictions of your own, PLEASE share!

Here is my take on what is out and what is in for 2009

  • Trail and error - Proven processes and systems
  • Multi tasking - Strengths and focus
  • Re-creating the wheel - Duplicating what works
  • Going it alone - Working with mentors or a mastermind group
  • Pride/arrogance - Humility

Trend prediction contributor experts:

Lori Richardson, Score More Sales
Whitney Keyes, Marketing, Social Networking & PR
Betsy Talbot, Mentor & Trainer

Complete list here. Thanks Nancy for putting this together!

I look forward to your contributions. Happy Networking